Zambia: Helpers Society Tosses Out Milingo

FORMER Lusaka Catholic Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo has been removed from the Zambia Helpers Society (ZHS), the organisation he founded in 1996, after members abolished the position of president.

And Archbishop Milingo has denied that he signed a deed of gift agreement transferring ownership of his farm, number 456a in Shimabala to ZHS.

He confirmed in an interview in Lusaka that he had been tossed out of the organisation which he founded after members altered the society’s constitution.

The archbishop said ZHS members had completely changed the constitution to bar him from continuing heading the society as founding president.

“I have been kicked out by the society I founded. They have changed the constitution so that they will have nothing to do with me, this is very unfair,” he said.

Archbishop Milingo, however, said he would not allow the situation to remain as it is and would ensure that fairness prevailed.

ZHS board chairperson, Chivwara Phiri said during a ZHS special annual general meeting (AGM) held on July 10 this year that the members voted against Archbishop Milingo continuing as president.

Mr Phiri said the archbishop would, however, continue as founder, trustee and patron of the society, adding that the issue could be revisited during the forthcoming ordinary AGM.

And in the ongoing controversy over the ownership of the farm commonly known as Lukamantano, off Kafue Road, Archbishop Milingo charged that he had been swindled out of the piece of land because the -signature on the deed gift document is not his.

He said he had reported the matter to the police.

The wrangle over the farm in question surfaced following Archbishop Milingo’s departure from the Roman Catholic Church.

The cleric founded ZHS in 1966 while he was still in the Catholic Church, and with the help of several donors and own resources he embarked on a development programme.

Among the facilities constructed at the farm are a hospital, school, post office and a shop.

After he left the church, the question arose as to whether the land was his personally or had been bequeathed to ZHS.

Records at the Ministry of Lands show that Archbishop Milingo purportedly gave the two pieces of land to ZHS in 2003 and early this year.

According to the Deed Gift document made available to the Sunday Times, Archbishop Milingo and Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone from the Vatican signed the deed transferring ownership of the farm land to ZHS.

Archbishop Milingo, however, strongly denies that he had signed the document.

Copyright © 2010 The Times of Zambia. All rights reserved. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media (

Milingo Patriarca, le terre e la firma con il cardinale Bertone Segretario di Stato Vaticano

L’ex Arcivescovo cattolico di Lusaka Emmanuel Milingo sarebbe stato rimosso dalla società “Zambia Helpers Society” (ZHS), l’organizzazione da lui fondata nel 1996, dopo che l’assemblea dei soci ha abolito la posizione di presidente all’interno della società stessa.
Milingo da qualche mese proclamato con l’appoggio di alcune parachiese  patriarca dell’Africa del Sud ha negato di aver firmato un atto di trasferimento di proprietà per l’azienda agricola alla Zambia Helpers Society.

Il cambio dello statuto operato dalla Società africana durante un’assemblea dei soci svoltasi il 10 Luglio 2010 ha di fatto estromesso Milingo dalla carica di presidente.

Secondo Milingo il cambio radicale dello statuto è stato fatto per impedirgli di  proseguire a capo della società come presidente fondatore.

Il sig.  Chivwara Phiri   Presidente del consiglio della socoetà,  ha detto che nel corso di una assemblea straordinaria tenutasi il 10 luglio di quest’anno, i membri hanno votato contro la continuazione della carica di Milingo come presidente.

Al centro del contendere ci sarebbe una proprietà di 600 ettari di terreno chiamata “Lukamantano”. 

Dietro ci sarebbe una storia di firme e di passaggi di proprietà e si sarebbe attivata anche una causa civile

 La proprietà oggi è dotata di  un ospedale, scuola, ufficio postale e negozi.

Una questione di proprietà terriera che poco ha a che fare con la causa dei sacerdoti sposati, causa già danneggiata in passato dalla cattiva gestione mediatica del “caso Milingo”

Per la redazione dei “sacerdoti lavoratori sposati” tali fatti dimostrano l’affarismo dietro il caso Milingo ed altissimi interessi economici in contesa tra associazioni varie, chiese e parachiese.

Il  Sunday Times, avrebbe pubblicato un documento di trasferimento di proprietà dei terreni agricoli alla ZHS firmato da Milingo e dal cardinale segretario di Stato Vaticano  Tarcisio Bertone.

Copyright ©  Associazione Sacerdoti Lavoratori Sposati –

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