Lettera di Milingo al vescovo di Vicenza dopo il comunicato di scomunica

(originale in inglese)

Your Excellency Right Rev. Bishop Cesare Nosiglia.
I am grateful to Vatican Radio, which has reported our Celebration of Mass in Vincenza.

We are very grateful even to your Excellency for having made such a gesture to publicize my mass.
I would like your Excellency to know that Father Sante Sguotti and myself are not excommunicated.  Just as Hans Kung, Schellebeck, Boff and others are priests, and still continue to dedicate their life to the
enlightenment and understanding of the message of Christ.   They are still dedicating their lives in the service of God’s people, their brothers and sisters. 
The attending hammers, raised on the would-be offenders of Church law died long ago after Vatican II. It is strange that you, so well noted on the knowledge of Vatican II, still believe in excommunication, interdicts,
suspensions, and what not.
We are in the era of the Holy Spirit, if only the Bishops paid heed to charismatic movement, they too would have learnt to listen to the Holy Spirit and to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

 A true Church cannot hold on one hand, a whip, and with the other sing the canticle of charity of St. Paul (1 Cor.13).  The Catholic Church cannot represent the merciful Jesus, when it condemns the sinner never to rise.  So is the meaning of excommunication.  They give a blow to death.  Will Hans Kung, Boff and Schellebeck be buried as Catholics?
Are we to see that all that they did in the Roman Catholic Church is rubbish?   What nonsense!
I personally have not lost any ties of faith with the Catholic Church.  All that I have done is weighed and re-weighed every day.  I do not exclude any human being from my prayers.   While the Catholic Church has even eliminated my name as a bishop.  What a Childish procedure.
The Catholic Religion is divine.  It is not appropriated by any individual. Each one of us will one day stand before God, and render account, particularly on the reasons of the Church’s unforgiveness of so called culprits.  But if I will be there beside you, your Excellency, Bishop Cesare Nosiglia, you will see me being the first to welcome you
into Paradise.  Take this very seriously, because I love you.
Archbishop E. Milingo

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